Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1.01 Bharasa HomeCare is committed to protecting the privacy of its
employees, clients/customers and confidential business information.
1.02 Employees are obligated to ensure that personal information, to which they may have
access remains confidential, is only used for the purposes for which it was collected, is
not disclosed without authorization or used for personal gain.
1.03 Employees are required to follow all procedures regarding collection, use, and
disclosure of personal information as set out in this policy.
1.04 Employees who disclose personal information, contrary to this policy will be subject to
disciplinary measures, up to and including discharge for cause.
1.05 The Privacy Officer/s are accountable for the implementation of this policy. Any issues
or questions regarding this policy should be directed to The Privacy Officer/s.

All employees at one time or another may receive personal, privileged and/or
confidential information which may concern other employees, company operations or
clients/customers. The purpose of this policy is to preserve the privacy of employees,
clients and Home Aid Care, by outlining employee obligations and
procedures for dealing with personal, privileged and/or confidential information.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, subcontractors of Nightingale Nursing
Registry Ltd. or anyone else who is granted access to personal, privileged and/or
confidential information.


4.01 Employees are responsible for:
 keeping their own employee files current regarding name, address, phone
number, dependants, etc.
 being familiar with and following policies and procedures regarding personal
 obtaining the proper consents and authorizations prior to disclosure of personal,
privileged and/or confidential information;
 immediately reporting any breaches of confidentiality to their Supervisor;
 keeping private passwords and access to personal, privileged and/or confidential
 explaining this policy to clients and referring them to The Privacy Officers if
 relinquishing any personal, privileged, confidential or client information in their
possession before or immediately upon termination of employment.
4.02 Supervisors are responsible for:
 obtaining consent to the collection and use of personal information from
 ensuring policies and procedures regarding collection, use and disclosure of
information of personal information are consistently adhered to;
 responding to requests for disclosure after the proper release is obtained;
 co-operating with The Privacy Officer/s to investigate complaints or breaches of
 obtaining from terminating employees prior to their termination any personal,
privileged, confidential or client information in their possession.
 ensuring that disclosure of personal information or personal health information to
a Third Party is done with the approval of the Privacy Officer/s in order to
minimize risk of non-compliance with applicable legislative or regulatory
4.03 Human Resources and/or Payroll personnel are responsible for:
 ensuring that appropriate consents have been obtained from employees with
respect to the collection and use of personal information;
 maintaining systems and procedures to ensure employee records are kept private;
 obtaining the proper consents and authorizations prior to disclosure of
information contained in employee records;
 responding to employees’ requests for access to their files;
 ensuring proper disposal of unnecessary files/information.
 maintaining separate files to ensure that personal health information is protected.
 ensuring that disclosure of personal information or personal health information to
a Third Party is done with the approval of the Privacy Officer/s in order to
minimize risk of non-compliance with applicable legislative or regulatory regimes.

4.04 The Privacy Officer/s is responsible for:
 internal compliance with applicable policies or legislation;
 co-operating with supervisors, human resources and/or payroll personnel in
developing internal policies for the collection, use and disclosure of personal
information and personal health information of employees and clients;
 monitoring and responding to Third Party requests for personal information or
personal health information;
 ensuring appropriate consents are obtained for the collection, use and disclosure
of personal information and personal health information;
 where collection, use or disclosure is permitted without prior consent, notifying
individuals of the collection, use and disclosure of personal information and/or
personal health information after such occurrence.


5.01 “Personal information” is any factual or subjective information, recorded or not about
an identifiable individual and includes race, ethnic origin, colour, age, marital status,
family status, religion, education, medical history, criminal record, employment
history, financial status, address, telephone number, and any numerical identification,
such as Social Insurance Number. Personal information also includes information that
may relate to the work performance of the individual, any allegations, investigations or
findings of wrongdoing, misconduct or discipline. Personal information does not
include job title, business contact information or job description.
5.02 “Personal health information” is information about an identifiable individual that
relates to the physical or mental health of the individual, the provision of health care to
the individual, the individual’s entitlement to payment for health care, the individual’s
health card number, the identity of providers of health care to the individual or the
identity of substitute decision-makers on behalf of the individual.
5.03 “Third parties” are individuals or organizations other than the subject of the records or
representatives of Home Aid Care Note that in certain
circumstances, the company may be entitled to provide personal information to an
external party acting as an agent of Home Aid Care.
5.04 “Consent” Consent means voluntary agreement with what is being done or proposed.
Consent can be either express or implied. Express consent is given explicitly, either
orally or in writing. Express consent is unequivocal and does not require any inference
on the part of the organization seeking consent. Implied consent arises where consent
may reasonably be inferred from the action or inaction of the individual.
An individual’s consent to the collection and use of his or her personal information
must be given with knowledge, not only of the information being collected, but also for
the purpose or use to which the information will be put.
5.05 “Collection” means the act of gathering, acquiring, or obtaining personal information from any source, including third parties, by any means.

5.06 “Disclosure” means making personal information available to others inside and/or
outside the organization.
5.07 “Use” means the treatment and handling of personal information by, and within the
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
Third Party Reference Requests
E-Mail and Internet Use
First Reference, Implementing Privacy Legislation in the Workplace


7.01 Employee Records
(a) An employee’s supervisor, higher level managers, human resources and payroll
personnel shall have access to employee records containing personal information.
An employee’s supervisor, higher level managers, human resources and payroll
personnel will have access to an employee’s personal health information if the
Privacy Officer/s determines that such access is permissible and necessary.
Personal information and personal health information will not be disclosed
outside of the organization without the knowledge and/or approval of the
employee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Home Aid Care
will co-operate with law enforcement agencies and will comply with any court
order or law requiring disclosure of personal information without the employee’s
(b) Employees may request access to review their own file by making arrangements
with the Accounting & Payroll department. Employees shall provide at least
twenty-four (24) hours notice to the Accounting & Payroll department.
Employees may obtain a copy of any document in their file which they have
signed previously. No material contained in an employee file may be removed
from the file. A representative of the Accounting & Payroll department will be
present during viewing of the file.
(c) An employee may provide a written notice of correction related to any data
contained in the employee’s file. The notice of correction shall be provided to the
Accounting & Payroll department.
(d) Employee requests for disclosure of their own personal information to Third
Parties must be accompanied by a completed, signed and dated Authorization to
Release Information form. Attachment A to this policy is used for this purpose.
This form should also be used in dealings with insurance companies with respect
to employee benefits and to provide confirmation of earnings to financial
institutions for lending purposes.
(e) Unless retention of personal information is specified by law for certain time
periods, personal information that is no longer required to fulfil the identified
purpose shall be destroyed, erased or made anonymous within twelve (12)
months after its use.
7.02 Client Information
(a) Personal, privileged and/or confidential information about customers and clients
may only be collected, used, disclosed and retained for the purposes identified by
Home Aid Care as necessary.

(b) Employees must ensure that no personal, privileged and/or confidential client
information is disclosed without the client’s consent and then only if security
procedures are satisfied.
(c) Client information is only to be accessed by employees with appropriate
(d) Unless retention of personal information is specified by law for certain time
periods, personal information that is no longer required to fulfil the identified
purpose shall be destroyed, erased or made anonymous within twelve (12)
months after its use.
7.03 Notwithstanding Paragraphs 7.01(e) and 7.02(d) personal information that is the subject
of a request by an individual or a Privacy Commission shall be retained as long as
necessary to allow individuals to exhaust any recourse they may have under PIPEDA.
7.04 Concerns or complaints related to privacy issues must be made, in writing, to the
Privacy Officer/s setting out the details of the concern or complaint. The Privacy
Officer/s shall investigate the matter forthwith and make a determination related the
resolution of the concern(s) or complaint(s).
7.05 No employee shall be disadvantaged or denied any benefit of employment by reason that
Home Aid Care believes that an employee will do anything referred to
paragraphs (a), (b), or (c) below or by reason that an employee, acting in good faith and
on the basis of reasonable belief,
(a) has disclosed to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada that Nightingale Nursing
Registry Ltd. or any other person has contravened or intends to contravene a
provision of PIPEDA related to the protection of personal information;
(b) has refused or stated the intention of refusing to do anything that it is in
contravention of a provision of PIPEDA related to the protection of personal
(c) has done or stated an intention of doing anything that is required to be done in
order that a provision of PIPEDA related to the protection of personal
information not be contravened.
7.06 An employee who is found to be in breach of this policy will be subject to discipline up
to an including discharge for cause.