Ambulance Services

We   provide  emergency   ambulance   service  to   people  with  acute   illness  and  pregnancy  in   Dhaka,  as  well  as Chattogram, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Khulna, Cumilla, Rangpur and all other major citites even in some rural areas in Bangladesh. We  have  trained  paramedics,  and  doctors  in  some cases, and a range of fully equipped ambulance vehicles. Our system operates in a  coordinated  partnership among various organizations provide high quality pre-hospital  medical  care.  Basic  life supports  are  provided  in  almost  every ambulance while advanced life support services  are  provided  by  several ambulance  services and all helicopter ambulance services in Bangladesh. These services provide cardiac monitoring, intravenous cannulation, and insert advanced airway system.

Our lives are valuable. It is important to get ambulance service in the country, especially all parts of Dhaka. As Dhaka is the busiest and most crowded city, traffic makes it nearly impossible to reach destination, i.e. hospital or home. Our teams are expert enough to beat the traffic and reach to the patients’ home or to the hospital in a timely manner. You may feel comfortable about our arrangement as all the ambulances are full-furnished with necessary equipment, oxygen cylinders, wheel chairs, stretchers. Each ambulance has a neat and clean bed for the patients. There are comfortable seats for the companions of the patients. We are ready providing you the suitable ambulance service from one district to another.

We provide ambulance service from different hospitals. You may reach us from Square Hospital, Holy Family Hospital, Shahid Suhrawardy Hospital, United Hospital, Apollo Hospital Dhaka, Asgar Ali Hospital, Dhaka Medical Hospital, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Chittagong Medical Hospital, Barisal Medical Hospital, Khulna Medical Hospital, Rajshahi Medical Hospital, Enam Medical Hospital, Uttara Adhunik Medical Hospital, Midford Hospital and other hospitals in Dhaka and outside. You can reach us at Dhanmondi, Lalmatia, Baridhara, Gulshan, Sutrapur, Uttara, Mohammadpur, Badda, Jatrabari, Wari and other major parts of Dhaka.

We provide different types of ambulance. There are mainly – AC ambulance, non-AC ambulance, freezer van ambulance, ICU ambulance, NICU ambulance and air ambulance. We provide ambulance according to your need and patient’s condition. However, the basic ambulance we provide is non-AC ambulance which is cheap and cost effective. The rent of other types of ambulance we provide is cheap too. Be sure that, you get the right type of ambulance in cheaper price and in quickest possible time. It saves time, money, energy and above all a valuable life. Follow this simple process: – Call our number, get the ambulance and get to the hospital; or grab your phone and call the number to get the ambulance and reach home.

Get a look at different types of ambulance we provide.
AC Ambulance
Non-AC Ambulance

ICU Ambulance
NICU Ambulance

Freezer Van Ambulance
AIR Ambulance

AC and non-AC ambulance

AC ambulance is equipped with air condition system, that doesn’t belong to a non-AC ambulance, to keep the inner condition of the vehicle cool. This is suitable to maintain an appropriate temperature for any patients being treated. It is also needed for a country where the temperature is very high.

AC and Non ac ambulance is a basic ambulance that has a bed, a stethoscope, an oxygen cylinder, a blood pressure measuring machine, and a first aid box containing syringe, antiseptic medicine, sterile gauze and saline. There should be a doctor, if not possible, at least a paramedic.

ICU ambulance

ICU ambulance is a set up of hospital’s ICU unit in a vehicle. This type of ambulance caters to patients with life threatening injuries and illness to produce constant care. Doctors, along with trained nurses, in that ambulance, ensure normal bodily function until the patient reach to the hospital safely. Patient need to transfer to different unit of hospital or to other hospital if the condition deteriorates and/or after surgery if patient is at high risk of complications.

NICU ambulance

NICU ambulance is used to transport premature and medically fragile infant to hospital. It is mainly used to pick up newborns at hospitals and safely deliver them to the Neonatal Incentive Care Unit. The team members of NICU ambulance are skilled personnel and dedicated caregivers, including nurses and respiratory therapists. Generally, the NICU team members are composed of NICU, a prenatal care unit, doctors and surgical pediatric subspecialists and a neonatal outreach program.

Freezing Van

To move a dead body from one place to another place, the freezing van or freezing ambulance is used for that. In this case, the dead body is kept at the temperature of the filling ambulance (-5%) so that there is no smell from the dead body easily and the body is free from virus and virus free.

Freezing Ambulance anybody can freeze the dead body according to his wishes. In this can any distance from any distance from Dhaka is hiked by distance. And if the car is waiting. In this  case you will have to pay BDT 600/- (Per Hour).

More information: We can bring our freezing cars directly from Japan. All of our quality cars are kept clean with savlon and dettol.

Air ambulance

It is a significant element of modern life to provide emergency medical service. Air ambulance service is provided through air plane and helicopter to move patients to and from healthcare facilities. The crews provide comprehensive pre-hospital and emergency service to all types of patients. Air ambulance started to provide its service to rescue patients form battlefield. Later, it started to extend service to civilian rescue service in their critical moments. Air ambulance is very beneficial for saving lives as it can travel faster and operate a wider coverage area than a land ambulance. It is mainly used to cover a longer distance with a shorter time.

Ambulance Service in Dhaka

Different types of ambulances are available in Dhaka City. You can hire freezer van in a moment. You can also rent AC or non AC ambulances to get to the hospital at proper time. You may face convenience of hiring air ambulance as well. We provide services in all corners of Dhaka and you can rely on us for quick response. We are always ready to get in touch in emergency and provide care from Dhaka to all over Bangladesh.

However, you may have a look of locations for emergency ambulance service where we are ready to provide.